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wild life

Gardening on the Wild Side

Time was, when we thought our biggest garden menace were the ground hogs, though we have always found that if we ‘encouraged’ outdoor kitties in the area, the amount of détente that could be achieved in the tooth and claw area was enough to establish a certain balance in our garden. Not that I really like sharing produce, mind you; I have a vivid memory of watching in fascination as a rather roly poly ground hog, made his way up a row of ‘the big garden’ (which was actually rather far from the house – that might have been a cue right there – we have had ‘the little garden’ which is literally right across the driveway and which I can hit with a rock if I, ahem, so choose), literally pulling up carrots and onions, taking a bite, and moving on down the produce aisle. All that was missing was a basket. (more…)

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