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Heeling in

Plants and no place to put them? Heel them in.

I know it’s hard sometimes to remember “BTI” (Before the Internet) but there was a time when what people had going for them was referred to as ‘sending away’. Even before ‘direct mail’, there were box tops, advertisements in magazines, and catalogs (remember those?). Even before credit cards were opened up in a big way in the 80s, people were putting checks, money orders and God help us, actual cash inside envelops with order forms or even just a note on a piece of paper with an order and sending it away. Many many companies have made their zillions in mail order; I remember ordering stuff when I was in college and growing begonias in my room (the other kids down the hall had some weird thing going on with a closet and a lot of aluminum foil – I never asked…). But I know a lot of people don’t or won’t order plants through the mail – I think for a lot of people there is this whole thing about ‘and what do I do if the stuff shows up and I’m not ready? What do I do?” (more…)

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