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cloth napkins

A sense of occasion

Ahem. One thing that Aunt Toby really hates is going out to what is considered ‘fine dining’ (which I realize is stretching things where your dear Aunty lives but the point is made), and some of the details are off.

The food is exquisite. The wine list divine. The wait staff attentive. The bathrooms artistic.

And paper napkins.

Ayyyyyyyy! It makes me want to stick a fork in my eye. Attention to detail after detail after detail – and paper napkins. They might even have white linen on the tables (usually under a piece of glass, which I also hate – what do they think I’m going to do – write my name on it?), but no cloth napkins. The wait staff might even have one over their arms or use one to help open the bottle of wine.

But no napkins for you!!!

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