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“Talk To Me!” Results

I’d like to thank all the people who took the time to answer the survey. In any blog situation, ‘lurkers’ out-number ‘participators’ by a huge margin so I did not know what sort of response I would get but I not only got answers, I was so happy to read the comments as well. Thank you so much.

OK – for those of you out there who keep score:
23% of respondents want more sewing videos
21% of respondents want more articles on money management, jobs and personal economy
21% of respondents want more videos on cooking
15% of respondents want more videos on knitting
8% of respondents want more indepth articles and collections to download
5% of respondents are interested in interviews

And in a totally mind-blowing lack of enthusiasm, NO ONE wants pod-casts. I guess you guys are all visual creatures and need to either read it or watch it. No problems – will of the people and all that.

So, readers should expect some changes here, perhaps a more coherent schedule (like, cooking videos on the weekend, economics during the week or something like that) plus perhaps some physical organizational changes as well.


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