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Shameless Product Plug

slides I don’t do product placement here because – well, I just don’t. (maybe it’s because no one’s asked me…)

But I saw something today that I just find so exciting that I have to blog about it:
Wooly Pockets. These are pockets and freestanding carriers which you can use to grow houseplants, fruits, veggies, everything.They are a great idea for people who want to grow stuff but don’t have yards or much ground. They are made in the United States, by a family-owned company, out of recycled plastic bottles. People are using them to make vertical wall gardens; they are being used for school gardens. Indoors. Outdoors.

Aunt Toby is speechless (and that is saying something).
Here’s the site. I love clever ideas that people bring to market.

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One Comment

  1. Lea says:

    Ohmygoodness!!! If my school gets a new principal next year (fingers crossed, knock on wood) I am SO going to try to get a school garden going. There’s a chain link fence right outside my classroom that gets sun all day long. Thanks for the link, Toby!!

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